Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A look at the new Microsoft Hololens...

This new Microsoft Hololens is pretty darn COOL. I've had numerous conversations with co-workers about having something like this at work. Not sure if it's useful enough yet to have any sort of return on investment, which I assume is substantial. But who knows, in the future we might all be using tools like this and sitting at a computer will seem archaic.

A few suggestions for improving your organization at work...

Whether we are leading a team of one or thirty, staying organized is critical to insuring a relatively smooth work process and preventing things from falling through the cracks. In addition, by being better organized we can reduce stress levels for ourselves and our team members. The article I posted below focuses on the ADHD executive and strategies he or she can apply at work to manage problems with organization. However, I find these strategies easily applicable to all of us, whether we are ADHD sufferers or not, and regardless of whether we play a leading role at work or a supporting one. I will admit, the strategy in this article that resonated with me the most was to be good but not perfect. I tend to be a perfectionist, and there have been times that that this tendency has needlessly brought me (and possibly a teammate or two) to tears. Ok, maybe tears is an exaggeration, but sad faces definitely! I like to think I have improved over the last couple of years, but this was a welcome reminder.

Here's the article:

Sanity-Saving Strategies for the ADHD Executive

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Happiness at Work!

Before we get into all of the fantastic and creative ideas that we are all eager to explore, you MUST watch this TED talk by Shawn Achor on the connection between happiness and work. It will profoundly affect the way you think about your job (as well as your supervisors or subordinates). Let me know what you think!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Workplace Design is Important

Workplace design is important. Why, you ask? Because it directly impacts the job satisfaction, productivity, and well-being of all employees. Some see workplace design as the visual and functional design of the physical workplace. This is indeed one very important aspect of workplace design. However, I will also explore job design and interpersonal interaction, as it is not only where we do our work, but with whom and for whom, what is expected of us and what we expect of others, and our own beliefs about our ability to thrive in our work environment.

In upcoming posts, my explorations will run the gamut from fun ways to personalize a cubicle to employing the Scrum method of project management. My focus is on improving the workplace experience at all levels. So enjoy yourself, and please send me your own ideas about workplace design or ideas you would like me to explore further here.